01 Ocak 2010


As Sexual Health Institute (CISED), we believe that homosexuality is one kind of sexual orientation like heterosexuality and bisexuality. Homosexuality is accepted as a healthy situation like heterosexuality by the international health associations and first of all it is a difference in sexual orientation. Because ‘’anatomical gender’’ comes from the birth. "Sexual identitity’’ develops in the early childhood. "Sexual identity’’ emerges in the adolescence. There is no chance for someone to make a voluntary choice on this basic structure. In time sexual information, experiences and sociological, religional and moral values are added on this structure. ‘’Sexual behaviours’’ aredetermined by the opportunities in the outer world and "a sexual parner’’ is chosen with time. Sexual orientation doesn’t becomes with the personal choice. For this reason homosexuality is not a choice or preference but "living a homosexual lifestyle’’ is a personal choice.

In the DSM IV (Diagonistic and Statictical Manual of Mental Disorders ) under the heading 302.9 Sexual Disorder Not Otherwise Specified, to be discomfortable of his/her sexual orientation is defined as a disorder in an implicit way. This cathegory is used for disorders which are not classifiable as sexual dysfunctions or paraphilias. One of the criterias of this disorder is '' to have a constant and evident distress about his/ her sexual orientation.'' And also in ICD 10 (International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems 10th Revision) under the code F66 homosexuality is handled under psychological and behavioural disorders associated with sexual development and orientation. It is told that ‘’the gender identity or sexual preference (heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or prepubertal) is not in doubt, but the individual wishes it were different because of associated psychological and behavioural disorders, and may seek treatment in order to change it.’’ It describes the ego- dystonic sexual orientation and sometimes her/his sexual orientation may become a problem fort he person. As CISED, we believe that it should be provided a psychotherapy opportunity for people have a constant and evident distress about their sexual orientation, who are stuck between their beliefs and sexual orientations and think to kill themselves if they cannot change it. Because having therapy is an universal human rights isue. And of course homosexuals may have general problems or sexual problems with their partner and they may need couple therapy. But nobody can be forced to therapy or to change.

CISED is an international association and supports the opinions of the American Psychological Association - APA, American Psychiatric Association, World Health Organization - WHO, World Association for Sexual Health - WAS, European Federation of Sexology, International Family Therapy Association- IFTA ve German Society for Social Scientific Sexuality Research- DGSS about homosexuality.

The wrong beliefs about homosexuality in the society, is a result of the lack of knowledge about this subject. A person’s gender, sexual identity or sexual orientation shouldn’t affect his work life or social life. A man or a woman whatever he or she is, a heterosexual, bisexual or a homosexual, she or he is first a human. A person’s sexual preference is only his matter, not the society’s. Private life is a human right which cannot be interfered and persecuted. Besides in many societies there are negative thoughts ad wrong beliefs about homosexuality. As a result of this, unfortunately homosexuals become the targets of discrimination and violence. CISED is against the violence and discrimination to the homosexuals today, as yesterday.

By the developments of the democracy and freedom, homosexual people got more rights. Ancak stil in many countries homosexuality is an unmoral orientation, and they are under social and juridical pressure. It is not a right thing to cast out and humiliate people just for they have different sexual orientations. Violence is an unacceptable shame on humanity. The main things is to protects the one’s dignity. For this reason as CISED, we are against the violence, discrimination to the homosexual people and the wrong beliefs about homosexuality in the society and the violation of human rights.

Public respect and appreciation.


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