
Sexual Health Institute Association which is called CISED is the organization that holds some of the best mental health professionals and academicians who are prominent in their fields of study. The organization has branches in 11 province and is the biggest association as far as marriage,family and sexual health areas. As well as we are member of The World Assocıatıon for Sexual Health –WAS, European Federation of Secology , International Family Therapy Assocıatıon- IFTA and German Socıety of Socıal Scıentific Sex Research Association.

Since CİSED was establıshed, it has shown extreme sensibility about the improvement of accumulation of knowledge of mental health professionals in the light of the psychology and psychiatry scholarships.Also CİSED has been somewhat precise about on the job training to make ıt possıble for the mental health professıonals to be effectıve wıth theır patiens as far as havıng a close relatıonshıp wıth the them during the proccess of practical treatment. Here are some of the on the job traınıng and certıfıcate programs whıch proceed without interruption.

  • Holistic Sex Therapy Training
  • Dynamically Oriented Psychotherapy Training
  • Family Counseling Certificate Program
  • Marriage and Couple Therapy Training
  • Psychotherapeutic Skills Training

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