
The Regulations of Sexual Health Institute - 2
instagram viewer The assignments and authorizations of general assembly 
Article 9: General assembly discuss and determine the following cases
1-      assingnment of organs of the society
2-      changing the regulations of the society
3-      dicussing the reports of board of directors and inspectorate and acquittance of board of directors
4-      discussing and accept exactly or by changing the budget which is prepared by board of directors
5-      regulating the other organs of the society and if it is necessary deposing them with valid arguments.
6-      Examining and concluding on objections against the decisions of board of directors about refusal and dismission from membership
7-      Authorizing the board of directors about buying or selling real estates which are needed for the society
8-      Examining and accepting exactly or by exchanging the regulations about working process od the society which is prepared by board of directors.
9-      Determining the amount of the wage, travel allowance, compensation and any allocation given to the chairman and members of the board of directors and inspectorate who are not public servant and determining the amount of daily wage and travel allowance given to the members who are assigned for services of society.
10- Determining on joining to or seperation from a federation
11- Determining on the opening the branches and authorize the board of directors about carrying out the operations
12- Being engaged in international activities, joining to or seperating as a member from other societies and foundations
13- Establishing a foundation
14- Terminating the society
15- Discussing and deciding on other suggestions of board of directors
16- As being the most authorized organ of the society, doing the work which is not given to other organs and using authority
17- Fulfilling the assignments in legislations which are specified by general assembly
Formation, assignment and authorizations of board of directors
Article 10: Board of directors is elected as being 5 original and 5 associate members by general assembly. Board of directors makes distribution of tasks in its first meeting by determining the chairman, vice chairman, secretary, accountant and member.
Board of directors can be convoked provided that all members are notified. It convenes by the attendance of one more of half of the total member number. Decisions are taken by the absolute majority of total number of members who attend the meeting.
If any original member quits or his/her place is empty for any other reason, it is obligatory to call associate members for duty in order of majority of votes in general assembly.
Assignments and authorizations of board of directors
Board of directors fulfils the followings;
1-      represent the society and authorize one of its members or any obviate for this purpose
2-       work on counting income and expenses and set a budget for the following period to present to the general assembly
3-       prepare instructions about actions of the society and propound them in the general assembly
4-      buy real estate, sell real estates and movable poperties which belong to the society, construct building or facilites, make lease agreement, establish real right or encumber with a mortgage for the benefit of the society with the authorization of the general assembly.
5-       assure operations about openning a branch with the authorization of the general assembly.
6-       provide regulation of the branches of the society
7-      open a representative agency where considered necessary
8-      apply decisions taken in the general assembly
9-      prepare the report which announces the actions of the board of directors, operating account table and balance sheet at the end of the year and present this report in the general asembly
10- assure application of the budget
11- to decide on the affiliation and suspension of members
12- to make any decision and apply them intra vires in order to
fulfil the objectives of the society
13- to use power and perform duties given by the legislations
Formation, assignment and authorizations of the inspectorate
Article 11: The inspectorate is elected by general assembly as being 3 original and 3 associate members. If any original member quits or his/her place is empty for any other reason,it is obligatory to call associate members for duty in order of majority of votes in general assembly.
Assignments and authorizations of the inspectorate
The inspectorate monitors whether the society operates in the direction of the aim and working process indicated in the regulations, whether the account books and records are kept according to the regulations of the society at intervals at most one year and presents the inspection results as a report to the board of directors and general assembly when it is convoked.
 The inspectorate convokes the general assemly when necessary.
The sources of income of the society
Article 12: The sources of income of the society are the followings
1-      membership fee: it is taken 1 YTL for the subscription fee and 1 YTL for the dues. General assembly is duly-authorized for the increase and reduce in the amount of fees
2-      branch office dues: 50% of the membership fees collected by the branch offices is sent to the central office in every 6 months in order to meet the expenses of the society.
3-       Donations and aids of natural and legal people
4-      Incomes from the the activities such as tea and diner parties, excursions, entertainments, representations, concerts, sport competitions and conferences which are arranged by the society
5-      Incomes from the estates of the society
6-      Donations and aids which are collected in accordance with the related legislations about charity collections
7-      Commercial activities which are attempted in order to provide the income needed to reach the aims of the society.
8-      Other incomes.
Methods and Procedures of Bookkeeping of the Association and Books to be Kept 
Article 13: Methods of Bookkeeping;
The book is kept in the association based on the operation account method. However, in case the annual gross income exceeds the limit specified in the legislation, the book is kept based on balance sheet method starting from following account period. In case passing to the balance sheet method, if it is dropped to below the limit specified above for two successive account period, it may be backed to the operation account method as of subsequent year. Without adhering the limit specified above, the book may be kept as per the balance sheet method with the decision of board of directors. In case the commercial undertake of the association to be opened, the book is kept for this commercial undertake separately as per provisions of Tax Procedure Law. Record Procedure
The books and records of the association are kept in comply with the methods and procedures specified in the Regulation of Associations. Books to be kept. Following written books are kept in the association.
a) Books to be kept and methods to be applied in the operation account method are as follows:

1-Minute Book: Resolutions of board of directors are written on this book with date and serial number and resolutions are underwritten by members attended to the meeting.

2-Member Registry Book: Id info and dates of entrance and exit to the association of members are entered to this book. The entrance and annual fees may be entered to this book. 

3-Document Registry Book: Incoming and outgoing documents are entered to this book with date and serial number. Originals of incoming documents and copies of outgoing documents are filed. Documents coming and going via electronic mail are stored by printing out. 

4-Inventory Book: Acquisition date and type and use and assign venue of inventories belonging to the association are entered to this book by dropping those timing out for use from the registry.
5-Operation Account Book: Revenues taken and expenses made on behalf of the association are entered to this book clearly and regularly. 

6-Receipt Registry Book: Receipts are entered to this book with their serial and order numbers, names, surnames and signatures of those who take and return these documents and with their taking and returning dates.
b) Books to be kept and methods to be applied in the balance sheet method are as follows: 
1- those books registered sub-paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 6 of paragraph (a) are also kept in case bookkeeping in the balance sheet method. 
2- Daybook, General Ledger and Inventory Book: The keeping method and registry type of these books are made according to Tax Procedure Law and to procedures of Accounting System Practice General Communiqués published based on the power given by this law to Ministry of Finance.
Affirmation of Books
Books which are oblique to be kept in the association shall be affirmed to provincial directorate of associations of to notary public. The use of these books is continued till the end of the pages and no interim affirmation of books shall be made. However, it is compulsory that re-affirmation of those books kept as per the balance sheet method and those books with form or continues form pages in the last month before the use year annually. 
Income Table and Balance Sheet Regulation
In case bookkeeping as per operation account method, “Operation Account Table” is issued at the ends of years. In case bookkeeping as per balance sheet account method, the balance sheet and income table are issued based on Accounting System Practice General Communiqués published by Ministry of Finance at the ends of years.
Income and Expense Processes of Association
Article 14: Income and expense documents; Incomes of the association are collected with “receipt”. In case collection of association incomes via banks, the documents such as voucher or account abstract shall substitute for receipt. Association expenses are made with expenditure documents like retail sale slip, freelance receipt. But for payments of the association within the scope of article 94 of Income Tax Law, the note of expense is issued as per the provisions of Tax Procedure Law; for those payments not within this scope, “Expense Voucher” is issued. Free of charge goods and services deliveries to be made to persons, institutions or organizations by the association shall be made with “Aid in Kind Delivery Notice”. Free of charge goods and services deliveries to be made to the association by persons, institutions or organizations shall be accepted with “Aid in Kind Receipt”.
Receipt Documents “Receipts” to be used for the collection of association incomes shall be printed to the printing house with the resolution of board of directors. For the matters regarding to printing and control of receipts, taking from the printing house, entering them to the books, handover between former and successor bookkeepers and the use of receipts by person or persons who collect incomes on behalf of the association and delivery of collected incomes, it shall be behaved according to related provisions of the Regulation of Association.
Those person or persons who will collect incomes on behalf of the association shall be determined by the resolution of board of directors as also determining and authority period. The “certificate of authorization” including the clear id, signature and photos of persons who will collect incomes shall be issued as three copies and approved by the chairman of board of directors of the association. On copy of authorization certificates shall be given to association departments. Changes related with the authorization certificate shall be declared to association departments by the chairman of board of directors within 15 (fifteen) days.
Those persons who shall collect incomes on behalf of the association may commence to collect incomes after giving one copy of their authorization certificates to association departments.
About the use, renewal, return and miscellaneous matters of the authorization certificate, it shall be behaved as per the related provisions of the Regulation of Association. 
Storing Period of Income and Expense Documents Receipts, expenditure papers and other documents except the books shall be stored for a period of 5 (five) years in comply with the number and date regulation on their registry books saving as periods specified in the special laws.
Article 15: “Declaration of Association” regarding to previous year activities of the association and results of income and expense transactions as of the end of the year, shall be given to related civil administration authority by the chairman of the association within the first four months of each calendar year after it has been approved by the board of directors of the association.
Liability of Notice
Article 16: Notices to civil administrations; Board of Assembly Final Notice “Board of Assembly Final Notice” including principal and associate members selected to management and audit assemblies and other organs and its annexes shall be declared to related civil administration authority by the chairman of the association within 30 (thirty) days following ordinary and extraordinary general assembly meetings:
1- General assembly meeting minute sample undersigned by council chairman, vice chairmen and clerk,
2- If any change in the regulation, the former and new form of changed articles of the regulation and each page of final form of the regulation of the association signed by board of directors, shall be added to the Board of Assembly Final Notice.
Declaration of Immovable
Immovable acquired by the association shall be declared to the civil administration authority by filling out “Immovable Property Declaration” within thirty days after registering the immovable acquired by the association to the land registry. 
Taking Foreign Aid Declaration
In case taking any aid from abroad by the association, it shall be declared to the civil administration authority by filling out “Taking Foreign Aid Declaration” as in two copies before taking the aid.
Resolution of board of directors taken about getting aid from abroad, protocol issued about this matter, contracts and similar documents and voucher, extract and similar document regarding to the account transacted the aid shall be attached to the declaration form.
It is compulsory that taking the cash aids via banks and performing the declaration term before using it.
Declaration About Common Projects Executed Together With Public Institutes and Organizations
The protocol made related with the common project executed by public institutes and organizations for the issues regarding to activity area of the association and the sample of the project shall be attached to the “Project Declaration” and shall be given to the governorship of the place having the principal of the association within one month following the protocol date.
Declaration of Changes
The change to be occurred in the location of the association shall be declared by filling out “Location Change Declaration”; the changes occurred in association organs out of general assembly meetings shall be declared with “Change in Association Organs Declaration” to the civil administration authority within thirty (30) days following the change.

Changes in the association regulation shall be declared to the civil administration authority in the annex of general assembly final notice within thirty (30) days following the general assembly meeting where the change is made.

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